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Saat itu indah

Assalamualaikum. May peace be upon you.

Zaman sekolah...
To be honest, keseronokkan zaman sekolah bagi aku hanya bermula sejak aku Form 3.
Form 1 Form 2 aku masih struggle untuk adapt dengan situation baru. Life was a bit havoc masa tu.

Form 3 - Thanks to Yana, Tikah, Zainie, Cipak dan the rest. Sebab berjaya discover the real me.

But today, I miss my life as an Astechian more than ever. The life of being a civil engineering student.
Tiba-tiba jadi sebak teringat classmates.

Rindu nak tiba-tiba masuk kelas, then jerit 'Weh, aku sayang ang.' 'Aku rindu ang.' After that, boleh tengok reaction budak-budak laki yang dah memang suka buat muka tak tau bila mood gila aku datang. Rindu!

Rindu nak datang kelas pagi-pagi, ambil buku add math Cik Mai, copy sebijik-sebijik tanpa rasa teringin pon nak paham apa yang disalin. Rindu!

Rindu nak bergaduh dengan Pakya. Bergaduh dengan penuh semangat, then dia kata aku pekak sebab aku tersilap dengar apa dia cakap. Pastu mula nak cover keadaan. Rindu nak curi wallet dia. Then, pura-pura macam tak tau apa padahal dia dah tau yang memang tak da orang lain teringin nak buat macam  tu selain aku.Rindu!

Rindu nak tengok Ayie sambil dua-dua buat muka tension bila cikgu Chemistry dah mula melalut merapu. Rindu!

Rindu nak share segala macam cerita kat Raffy pantang cikgu tak masuk kelas. Rindu!

Rindu nak tidur dalam kelas. Pastu bangun pergi toilet dengan muka sememeh abes. Tudung ke depan, tak heran budak-budak kelas sebelah. Rindu!

Rindu nak masuk kelas  Math Cikgu Syed. Buat latihan secepat mungkin, then angkat tangan dan cakap 'cikgu, saya dah buat habis. nak tidoq'. Bagi cikgu check jawapan dan terus letak kepala. Rindu!

Rindu dengan Baty sebab dia sorang je yang rajin picitkan tangan aku kalau aku mengantuk dalam kelas even time tu dia pun mengantuk jugak. Rindu nak tengok Baty blurr. Rindu!

Rindu dengan Sir Wahid yang suka berspeaking slanga omputeh walaupun aku tetap balas dengan bahasa melayu loghat kedah. Rindu Teacher Yeoh cakap laju macam kereta api masa kelas Add Math. Rindu tersengguk-sengguk tidur dalam kelas LK Pak Rom. (Ish, ang la manusia paling pelik pernah aku jumpa. Dalam kelas LK pun boleh tidur- Pakya,2009). Rindu nak kena denda buat karangan kat luar kelas masa kelas BM Ustaz Azhar walaupun masa tu aku sorang je yang berbaju biru prefect kena denda, kena rotan. Rindu nak masuk kelas sejarah Cikgu Normadiah sambil puji baju dia sebab malas nak belajar.  Rindu nak dengar Ustazah Hazmah berleter kat back-seatters yang tidur, padahai aku yang kat depan dia pun tidur baik punya. Rindu kelas Physics Sir Lee sebab dia baik sangat dan sebab aku tak boleh nak beza tone suara dia time marah or tak marah. Rindu nak masuk makmal time kelas Chemistry Cikgu Gayah dan buat experiment merapu sampai pecah berasap segala bagai. Rindu!

Rindu nak bergedik-gedik dengan Syifa, Miela dan Mieza. Dengaq depa sembang pasai si X la, adik Y la sambil terkebil-kebil biji mata sebab aku tak kenai pon who's on earth depa tu. Rindu!

Rindu nak dengaq budak-budak KA2 yang lain bising-bising dalam kelas. Yang budak lelakinya melepak belakang kelas sambil main chess. Yang perempuannya buzy buat kerja masing-masing sambil mulut pot pet pot pet. Rindu!

Rindu nak masuk bengkel Kej. Awam then terus tidur atas kerusi yang empuk dengan suhu yang sejuk. Rindu nak buat kerja-kerja amali walaupun aku tak reti. Rindu!

Rindu nak kena marah dengan Pakya sebab aku malas sangat nak buat Lukisan Kejuruteraan dan Add Math. Pastu dia letak buku depan mata aku dan paksa aku berguru dengan dia sambil dia bercerita tentang Sue, si prefect Agri 1. Rindu!

Banyak lagi benda yang aku rindu.
Nak list jenoh nak scroll pulak nanti.
Nak mesej tanya khabar, segan.

Gambar copy dari blog Syifaa sebab malas nak penuhkan images kat google.
Form 4. Budak-budak lagi.
One of K.A punya amali. Ujian tanah. apakenama ntah.

Form 5. Matured la sikit. Konon


Nagging again

HasnaZaty once said to me,
"We don't miss the person. We just miss the moment."
Last night, I do miss the moment.
The moment of fighting
that's what I miss the most.
Cause for me, fighting is one way to show my care. (what the?)
I don't simply fight,
but I fight to tell my feelings, my thought.

Last week, during the girls gathering,
I told my fellow friends,
"Aku tak nak cari calon boyfriend, Aku nak cari calon suami."
And they laugh.
Ok, fine.


The Tragic Friendship

Assalamualaikum... May peace be upon you.

Here is a story of a monkey and a chicken.


Once, there lived a monkey. Just a normal monkey, no other adjectives added. Lets assume that the monkey is a 'He'. He lived under a mangosteen tree, with chain around his neck. But, he still could freely climbed the tree. He used to eat the fruit and threw the fruit leftover on the ground. Then, there was a chicken. Just a normal chicken who would ate the leftover. 

After a while both of them became a good friend. The monkey would throw some fruits onto the ground so that the chicken could eat them. He also used to search for fleas that lived on the chicken's feather, and she seemed to enjoy it. Sometimes, the owner of the monkey discovered that the monkey would carry the chicken with his hand and brought her to the top of the tree, where they would sleep together, side by side. This friendship remained for some good time. 

One fine day, the owner of the monkey came back from his work. He found that the chicken's wing was twisted. He knew that she must be in great pain. So, the monkey's owner brought this pity chicken back to her owner. But, she still miss her friend. She put a lot of effort to climb up the cage where she was put in. Both of them were reunited. And they lived happily for the next few days.

 It was the day when the owner of the monkey receive a great shock. He was just getting out of his car when he saw the monkey was sitting ON his friend. She was dead!! Her neck was twisted over by the monkey. The owner knew it was the monkey who did it, because he knew that the monkey was a bit rough, even though with his own good friend.

And the monkey lived happily ever after in his own lonely world.
The end.


This is based on a real story experienced by my ES lecturer. I find it quite interesting and humorous, of course. I do think that this kind of friendship does exist, isn't it? Not to the extend of killing someone, but  there are friends who are willing to hurt their friend in order to achieve their own dreams, whether it is unintentionally or not. We're not alert enough to sense something bad is happening, which could threaten our friendship. We did a lot of jokes, arguments, critics, and sharing but still we didn't care enough for our friend's feeling. It is like a virus, which is spreading without your concern and at some particular time it will kill you. It is like a time bomb, which is always counting the time to explode.
So, my last word for today is : Watch your words. Think before you talk. Do care about other's feeling. Better keep silent than say something that could offend others. And do cherish your friendship. :)

** Note that the sex of the two animals is just made by the author. Just for the sake of better understanding. 


Terrified to say the L word?

Assalamualaikum. May peace be upon you :)

Hye.. I'm just google something on the net. Something regarding to my social studies class. Then I discovered this article on Spark Notes. Its the Top 20 Replies to "I Love You" article. It quite interesting. No kidding. Never thought Spark Notes got something like this. (so called Spark Life)

The description goes like this :

When someone tells you they love you, you may be tempted to reply, "I love you too." But what if you're not ready to return the sentiment—or you think saying "I love you too" is just boring?
Here are some of your choices :
1. Good!
2. So do I!
3. Most people do.
4. I don't blame you!
5. Cool story, bro.
6. That makes two of us!
7. I love me, too.
8. That's nice.
9. HAHAHAHAHAHA. You WERE kidding, right?
10. I figured.
11. Thanks, I wish I could say the same for you.
12. I'd rather you didn't.
13. Let me know how that works out for you!
14. I wouldn't think too much of it, I get that all the time.
15. Sounds fun.
16. Oh, great. This is just hunky dory peachy keen.
17. What part of "restraining order" do you not understand?!?
18. Okay, bye.
19. And I love unicorns!
20. Good for you

I would like to try this. I like those phrases especially no 3, 4, 7, and 14. (memang aku teringin nak makan penyepak) As for no 9 and 18, I used to do that quit often in my past. So, anyone "I Love You" please > <