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Terrified to say the L word?

Assalamualaikum. May peace be upon you :)

Hye.. I'm just google something on the net. Something regarding to my social studies class. Then I discovered this article on Spark Notes. Its the Top 20 Replies to "I Love You" article. It quite interesting. No kidding. Never thought Spark Notes got something like this. (so called Spark Life)

The description goes like this :

When someone tells you they love you, you may be tempted to reply, "I love you too." But what if you're not ready to return the sentiment—or you think saying "I love you too" is just boring?
Here are some of your choices :
1. Good!
2. So do I!
3. Most people do.
4. I don't blame you!
5. Cool story, bro.
6. That makes two of us!
7. I love me, too.
8. That's nice.
9. HAHAHAHAHAHA. You WERE kidding, right?
10. I figured.
11. Thanks, I wish I could say the same for you.
12. I'd rather you didn't.
13. Let me know how that works out for you!
14. I wouldn't think too much of it, I get that all the time.
15. Sounds fun.
16. Oh, great. This is just hunky dory peachy keen.
17. What part of "restraining order" do you not understand?!?
18. Okay, bye.
19. And I love unicorns!
20. Good for you

I would like to try this. I like those phrases especially no 3, 4, 7, and 14. (memang aku teringin nak makan penyepak) As for no 9 and 18, I used to do that quit often in my past. So, anyone "I Love You" please > <

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