Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Friendship tickers



1. I'm a girl
2. Am going to be 21 years in few days.
3. Future teacher.
4. Cry because of stupid things.
5. Wondering who's my other half, and where is he now.
6. Day dreaming a lot.
7. Used to have an imaginary twin brother when I was a kid.
8. Materialistic. -.-'
9. Always think that exam is not that important.
10. Expert in doing last minute things, especially in assignments and study.
11. Give people advices, but never practices them.
12. Have a big problem; think that I'm not fat, but in reality, yes I am.
13. Hate green vegetables.
14. Waterfall is more preferable than beach.
15. .................(please fill in the blank)...........


  1. i thought #7 is supposed to be
    "7. Used to have imaginary pokemons when I was a kid."

  2. owh. that suppose to be 15. congrats!! you manage to fill in the blank. **rindu zaman aku berlari keliling rumah 'kejar pokemon' pakai pokeball 'guli' -.-'
